Your age:
Armory Link of Main: (My BM Monk)
Armory Links of Notable Alts:
World of Logs/WMO Parses: I have been using this toon in my guild as a back up Tank for our 2nd raid team. As such, they have not been very consistent about posting logs. There won't be much data here, but I am happy to provide more as I am able. You are also welcome to check parses for my Prot Warrior as well:
Screenshot of your UI: This was taken during an Ordos fight (Saved ya told me this was all right). As I never do 40 man raids, you will notice a bit of clutter behind my buffs/debuffs. This is not he case in a 10 or 25m group as my raid frames don't take up that much space, so the display is much more clear. Even so, you can see that I track Shuffle, Guard, Dampen Harm, etc.
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST):
Tues/Thurs 8-12
What add-ons do you rely on most?
ElvUI, Deadly Boss Mods, and Mik's Scrolling Battletext.
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
For my Monk: Icy Veins,Total's Tea Talk, Sentry Totem, Sunnier's Art of War, Elitest Jerks, and discussions with my peers who also tank on Monks.
What previous raid experience do you have?
I started playing the game when ToT was current content. During that time, I cleared normal and downed 3 bosses in Heroic before the nerfs began. At that time, I was the off tank for an established raid team in my guild. Currently, I lead that same raid team on my Protection Warrior, and we are currently 11/14H with me as the raid leader.
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
I have only been in Shadow and Light. I am still the Raid Leader and Main Tank of our primary raid team on my Protection Warrior, and I am not leaving my guild on that toon at this time. As far as my Monk goes, I have been filling in as the main tank for my guild's 2nd team for the last few months while they cinched a consistent team. The time for them needing my Monk has passed, and as a result, I have a fair amount of Heroic experience tanking on my BM Monk, and would very much like to keep raiding regularly on him.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
You currently have on your raid team a Paladin tank by the name of Savedya. Not so long ago, he and I were the tanks for my guild's primary progression team. At the time, I was leaning more toward a less serious attitude toward personnel as it relates to performance and progression, and Savedya wanted something different. We parted ways amicably, and have remained friends since. I still see him as a valuable resource for discussing tanks in general, and he is typically my sounding board for new ideas and constructive criticism. I would like the opportunity to raid with him again, and also to be a valued member of a progression focused raid team.
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
As I mentioned above, Savedya asked me to apply to your guild/team.
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
Primarily I compete against myself. Each and every raid, and each and every pull, I strive to be better that i was the pull before. I am hard on myself for mistiming my rotation, CDs, etc, and look to always improve. As such, I compare myself to others who play the same class/spec not to see who is "better," but to see if I can learn anything and up my own game in the process. Overall, my goal is to make the team better, and I will give 110% focus and performance to ensure that that happens.
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks):
First and foremost, my focus is to do my part, and pull my own weight to ensure that any team I am a part of finds success. I am open to constructive criticism to achieve this end, as I always wanting to perform to the best of my ability. I am equally capable of functioning in a "soldier" role where I perform my task and keep my mouth shut unless asked to contribute to a strategy, and in an "officer" role where I am asked to provide leadership and direction to the group. Essentially, I can be what is needed, and am always willing to up my personal game.
Armory Link of Main: (My BM Monk)
Armory Links of Notable Alts:
World of Logs/WMO Parses: I have been using this toon in my guild as a back up Tank for our 2nd raid team. As such, they have not been very consistent about posting logs. There won't be much data here, but I am happy to provide more as I am able. You are also welcome to check parses for my Prot Warrior as well:
Screenshot of your UI: This was taken during an Ordos fight (Saved ya told me this was all right). As I never do 40 man raids, you will notice a bit of clutter behind my buffs/debuffs. This is not he case in a 10 or 25m group as my raid frames don't take up that much space, so the display is much more clear. Even so, you can see that I track Shuffle, Guard, Dampen Harm, etc.
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST):
Tues/Thurs 8-12
What add-ons do you rely on most?
ElvUI, Deadly Boss Mods, and Mik's Scrolling Battletext.
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
For my Monk: Icy Veins,Total's Tea Talk, Sentry Totem, Sunnier's Art of War, Elitest Jerks, and discussions with my peers who also tank on Monks.
What previous raid experience do you have?
I started playing the game when ToT was current content. During that time, I cleared normal and downed 3 bosses in Heroic before the nerfs began. At that time, I was the off tank for an established raid team in my guild. Currently, I lead that same raid team on my Protection Warrior, and we are currently 11/14H with me as the raid leader.
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
I have only been in Shadow and Light. I am still the Raid Leader and Main Tank of our primary raid team on my Protection Warrior, and I am not leaving my guild on that toon at this time. As far as my Monk goes, I have been filling in as the main tank for my guild's 2nd team for the last few months while they cinched a consistent team. The time for them needing my Monk has passed, and as a result, I have a fair amount of Heroic experience tanking on my BM Monk, and would very much like to keep raiding regularly on him.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
You currently have on your raid team a Paladin tank by the name of Savedya. Not so long ago, he and I were the tanks for my guild's primary progression team. At the time, I was leaning more toward a less serious attitude toward personnel as it relates to performance and progression, and Savedya wanted something different. We parted ways amicably, and have remained friends since. I still see him as a valuable resource for discussing tanks in general, and he is typically my sounding board for new ideas and constructive criticism. I would like the opportunity to raid with him again, and also to be a valued member of a progression focused raid team.
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
As I mentioned above, Savedya asked me to apply to your guild/team.
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
Primarily I compete against myself. Each and every raid, and each and every pull, I strive to be better that i was the pull before. I am hard on myself for mistiming my rotation, CDs, etc, and look to always improve. As such, I compare myself to others who play the same class/spec not to see who is "better," but to see if I can learn anything and up my own game in the process. Overall, my goal is to make the team better, and I will give 110% focus and performance to ensure that that happens.
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks):
First and foremost, my focus is to do my part, and pull my own weight to ensure that any team I am a part of finds success. I am open to constructive criticism to achieve this end, as I always wanting to perform to the best of my ability. I am equally capable of functioning in a "soldier" role where I perform my task and keep my mouth shut unless asked to contribute to a strategy, and in an "officer" role where I am asked to provide leadership and direction to the group. Essentially, I can be what is needed, and am always willing to up my personal game.
Last edited by Shimada on Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:53 pm; edited 2 times in total