BattleTag: Dibby#1582
Armory Link of Main:
Armory Links of Notable Alts: n/a
World of Logs/WMO Parses: These are a bit outdated, but should work.
Screenshot of your UI:
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST): All of the days. ALL OF EM.
What add-ons do you rely on most?
DBM, Raven, Skada (SKADA MASTER RACE SUCK IT RECOUNT), Omen, Bartender, ReforgeLite, TidyPlates, Tao
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
MMO-Champion forums, Elitist Jerks, Sunnier's Art of War
What previous raid experience do you have?
Started raiding in late Wrath. ICC on a Hunter. Nothing of consequence really, just normals.
Carried over on my Hunter to Cataclysm. Full norm clear of T11. Switched to Blood DK for Firelands. Started on Heroics in Dragon Soul, full cleared on Heroic (but really who didn't full clear that on heroic jeez)
Switched to Brewmaster Monk for Mists. Went 9/16H in T14 (6/6H 3/6H 4/4N). Went 10/13H in T15. Currently 11/14H in T16.
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
Oh jeez this is gonna be a bit long. Okay:
Into the West on Lothar was my first guild. Left because they were assholes and there was drama.
Beasts of Unusual Size on Ravenholdt. Great bunch of guys but the guild fell apart due to burnout or w/e.
Penumbra on Earthen Ring. Same thing as previous guild, just fell apart.
Frost Watch on Earthen Ring. Wasn't really to my liking. Zero social atmosphere and lack of progression.
Avant Garde on Earthen Ring. A ton of drama and an overly-emotional raid leader, as well as lack of progression.
Catch Phrase on Earthen Ring. Great guild, made solid progression there (this is the guild I was in when I hit 11/14H), but imploded because bunch of people left. I believe quite a few of them wandered over your way. WINK WINK.
The Remnants on Earthen Ring. I decided I wanted to keep raiding so I hopped over with them since I was friends with some of em. Nice group but unfortunately died pretty much right as I joined up with em.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
Well, if my previous raid/guild history is any indication, I REALLY would like a guild that is going to be in it for the long haul. I'm so, so tired of having to find new guilds because my current guild died or imploded or just... whatever, yknow? I really just want a place I can call home.
That aside, I've also been looking to step up my game a bit. My progression isn't anything stellar, but for the server I was on it was pretty good. It was also the first time I had really done any heroic progression. But now I want something better, because I know I can do better and be better. I'm tired of being in guilds where half of the raiders are really dedicated and the other half don't give a shit. I want a guild where EVERYONE is going to give it their all.
Also because like 4 of my friends from a previous guild (Catch Phrase) are with you and they're cool guys I GUESS????
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
Friend referred me. So actually I have 4 friends already in your guild: Gurio, Xzand, Banzad, and SOME HUNTER THAT CHANGED HIS DUMB NAME GOD.
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
I'd say so. I mean, mostly myself because I'm a tank and I can't really compete with DPS on most fights (although I can on some WINK WINK). I do find it fun to compete with my co-tank but goddamn that's so dependent on the fight and Vengeance gains and blah blah dumb stuff.
So it's mostly me. And it's mostly me just trying to get better and do better than last time.
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks):
I have SUPES GOOD awareness and reaction. I've pulled off some really clutch shit, like soloing Thok up to 55 stacks before I died, simply BECAUSE I COULD. Also soloing Heroic Garalon past his Berserk up to some ungodly amount of stacks. Granted, it was in Throne of Thunder gear BUT STILL. It was p cool yo. BREWMASTERS OP MAYBE?
I'm a very laid back dude and I like to curse. A lot. LIKE OKAY, pretty much every 2nd or 3rd word of mine is "fuck" or "shit" or "fuckin' shit". JUST BEIN' UP FRONT ABOUT THAT. So I like fucking around and having fun, but I also know when to put my game face on and flip that switch to being serious.
I play not only a Panda, but a FEM PANDA, which is the panda master race. Also I enjoy long walks on the beach and PET BATTLES FUCK YEAH. Although there's like nothing new on the pet battle frontier and I've gotten everything I need from the Celestial Tournament SO MY LIFE IS IN SHAMBLES NOW.
Bonus question >>Do you attend couple's cross-stitching?<<
I tried going there once but they kicked me out cause as it turns out your right hand does not qualify as a significant other. FUCK THE POLICE.