BattleTag: Allahorny#1375
Armory Link of Main:
Armory Links of Notable Alts: not very notable, pvp on this toon a lot.
World of Logs/WMO Parses:
Screenshot of your UI:
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST):
What add-ons do you rely on most? Mostly VuhDo and DBM for raiding. Most of it is just cosmetic. I like my UI neat, but I can deal without them.
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class? I mainly look at the top guilds' players classes. I study and observe their play style on uploaded YouTube videos and watching streams. I armory them constantly to see if I am doing something correctly or I may just try something of my own to see if it works.
What previous raid experience do you have? 14/14H this patch, not much for the earlier MoP raids. I cleared Naxx and cleared the first two wings of ICC on herioc before my previous account got hacked.
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving your current one? Little guilds here and there, the one I most recently left was Street Corner Horde on BH and the reason for leaving is just that I didn't feel the raid leadership wasn't up to my standards of how a so-called "hardcore raiding guild" should be.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)? Clips mentioned that he was joining this guild and he is a good friend of mine. We of course aren't pairs so if I am not accepted won't mean he will leave. Looking at your wowprogress and from the information Clips has told me about you, I would love for you guys and gals to try me out.
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)? Clips, a holy paladin that apped to your guild.
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)? I am competitive, but not in the bad way. I believe the best way to learn is to learn from your mistakes while still having strong discipline in the environment. I loved competing against other disc priests but as 6.0 comes I may switch to holy as disc is not looking very competent, especially for WoD.
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks): My name is John, and I study criminal justice and psychology. I feel the best way to learn is discipline. I come from a military background dating multiple generations. I feel I play my class extremely well and I strive to improve until I reach the highest amount of greatness I can.
Bonus question >>Do you attend couple's cross-stitching?<< Yes. Me and Clips do it all the time and then go out for some yoga. Oh I forgot, we have a meeting with a marriage counselor on Friday.