Character Name: Liadrin
Class: Paladin
Talent Spec: 3/34/4-Protection(Main Spec), 37/4/0-Holy(PvP Spec)
Your age: 20
Your weekly raid availability (We raid Fri/Sat 6-10pm server + Sun 4-8 server): My available times are usually 12pm-2am server time during the week. I have full free time on weekends.
What add-ons do you use (Check our Information for Raiders page to see our required mods)? I have no current updates on my add-ons however I will download them immediately.
Do you have access to Vent? Yes
What sort of tools (calculators, builders, spreadsheets, etc.) do you use to plan your characters (if any)? Elitist Jerks spreadsheets
Provide the armory link to the character you are applying with:
Please include a screenshot of your UI:
Tell us what stats you reforge your gear for and why:Hit. Unfourtunenately my hit rating was so low my spells and attacks were missing which made tanking more difficult however i aim for mastery at the most part for improved block ratings.
What previous raid experience do you have? 5/6-BWD, 3/4-BOT, 0/2-TOTFW
What guilds have you been a member of? The Tribe and Sanctis Draconis.
Why did you leave your previous and current guilds? Looking to do Firelands for progressions and guild events.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)? Im looking for a raid guild that is pushing for progression in new contents and guild events.
Tell us about yourself, to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks): I have just recently graduated from high school and am moving onto college to study Animal Scienece and Training. I am a calm, casual young man just looking for a capable group of players that wish to progress through new contents in future events.
Class: Paladin
Talent Spec: 3/34/4-Protection(Main Spec), 37/4/0-Holy(PvP Spec)
Your age: 20
Your weekly raid availability (We raid Fri/Sat 6-10pm server + Sun 4-8 server): My available times are usually 12pm-2am server time during the week. I have full free time on weekends.
What add-ons do you use (Check our Information for Raiders page to see our required mods)? I have no current updates on my add-ons however I will download them immediately.
Do you have access to Vent? Yes
What sort of tools (calculators, builders, spreadsheets, etc.) do you use to plan your characters (if any)? Elitist Jerks spreadsheets
Provide the armory link to the character you are applying with:
Please include a screenshot of your UI:
Tell us what stats you reforge your gear for and why:Hit. Unfourtunenately my hit rating was so low my spells and attacks were missing which made tanking more difficult however i aim for mastery at the most part for improved block ratings.
What previous raid experience do you have? 5/6-BWD, 3/4-BOT, 0/2-TOTFW
What guilds have you been a member of? The Tribe and Sanctis Draconis.
Why did you leave your previous and current guilds? Looking to do Firelands for progressions and guild events.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)? Im looking for a raid guild that is pushing for progression in new contents and guild events.
Tell us about yourself, to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks): I have just recently graduated from high school and am moving onto college to study Animal Scienece and Training. I am a calm, casual young man just looking for a capable group of players that wish to progress through new contents in future events.