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    Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN

    Short Bus
    Short Bus

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-05-30

    Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN Empty Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN

    Post by Salo Mon May 30, 2011 12:24 pm

    Character Name: Salomite
    Class: Mage
    Talent Spec: Arcane


    Your age: Old enough

    Your weekly raid availability (We raid Fri/Sat 6-10pm server + Sun 4-8 server): Whenever. Very flexible. Available for those times nine times out of ten, at least.

    What add-ons do you use (Check our Information for Raiders page to see our required mods)? Recount, Skada, Omen, Vuhdo, DBM, Power Auras, Tidy Plates, Gnosis, Chatter, Bartender, SexyCooldown, Gheist

    Do you have access to Vent? Yes

    What sort of tools (calculators, builders, spreadsheets, etc.) do you use to plan your characters (if any)? Rawr

    Provide the armory link to the character you are applying with: Salomite the Mage
    Salomatic the Shaman

    Please include a screenshot of your UI: None available just at the moment

    Tell us what stats you reforge your gear for and why: Mage - Made sure hit is capped, then took off as much crit as possible in place of mastery or haste.

    Shaman - I keep a fairly even mix of stats. Spirit is about 2200, and with 4pT11 that seems to be enough. Made sure haste is about the 916 break point, and tried to spread the rest between crit and mastery. I prefer to stay flexible as a resto shaman rather than try and focus too much on a specific role. Resto shaman are the perfect short stop healers, covering both bases and ready to change from one to the other in an instant, so a balanced mix of stats suits that pretty well I find.

    What previous raid experience do you have? Started raiding during Ulduar. Got about halfway through that when ToC came out. 12/12 ICC, with a few hard modes. 12/12 for 4.0 with 5 hardmodes down.

    What guilds have you been a member of? Blood Legion, Fail Train

    Why did you leave your previous and current guilds? Both fell apart and ceased to be.

    Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)? Current guild is in its final death throes. Recommended by Claymation. Your raid schedule fits mine nicely, and I am encouraged by your progression. I'm looking for a regular raid slot with a group that is reliable and ready to go.

    Tell us about yourself, to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks): Computer science graduate in Atlantic Canada. Laid back and not at all dramatic. I just wanna kill bosses and have a good time.
    Krew Chief (Big Cawky)
    Krew Chief (Big Cawky)

    Posts : 1408
    Join date : 2009-12-30

    Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN Empty Re: Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN

    Post by Cobane Tue May 31, 2011 9:58 am

    Thanks for applying to SoA! Under review.
    Krew Chief (Big Cawky)
    Krew Chief (Big Cawky)

    Posts : 1408
    Join date : 2009-12-30

    Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN Empty Re: Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN

    Post by Cobane Tue May 31, 2011 11:15 am

    Please elaborate on your toons.

    1) How often do you heal on it? Do you optimize a separate set of gear for healing?
    2) Which do you prefer, ele or resto? Which have you had the most experience with?

    1) Why have you chosen double Arcane specs?
    2) Have you ever considered Fire? Why do you not have it as an option?
    Short Bus
    Short Bus

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2011-05-30

    Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN Empty Re: Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN

    Post by Salo Tue May 31, 2011 12:09 pm

    I healed on my Shaman for all progression raids this expansion with Fail Train, usually two or three times a week. I also healed all of ICC and a few ICC hard modes with the shaman. My main during WotLK was an Unholy Deathknight, but I'm not at all happy with the new Cataclysm DK specs and have put that toon pretty far down on my alt list. The Shaman carries a collection of Restoration sidegrades so I can raise or lower my spirit depending on how my mana is doing fight to fight, and a few other pieces so I can swap to Elemental on farm content if there's more than enough heals and the raid can afford an extra DPS. In terms of balancing crit, haste and mastery I find that after reaching the 916 haste break point an even mix suits my play style best, rather than stacking any one stat. One of my favorite things about Shaman healing is the ability to adapt and react to a wide variety of situations, and I prefer to stay balanced rather than skew my gear too heavily towards raid or tank healing.

    I also have a fairly respectable Enhancement set for times when I get bored with Elemental. Both DPS specs are really just there for doing dailies, herb gathering and farm content. Neither DPS set has any tier pieces. I exclusively heal when I do progression content with my Shaman.

    My mage is my primary ranged DPS alt, and the toon I prefer to bring on farm nights, as my Shaman has all the 359 Resto gear he'll ever need, and I'm not too interested in completing a DPS set for him. I wouldn't mind making the mage my main for 4.2, since I used to do a pretty even split between healing and DPS during WotLK, and haven't had a chance yet to do progression raiding as a DPS spec this expansion.

    The second Arcane spec is for PvP. I'm not really a competitive PvPer, but I do enjoy occasionally queuing for a random battle ground or Tol Barad and two shotting scrubs. I have about 2500 resil on my PvP set so far, pretty much all honor gear and crafted blues. If there was any guild interest in rated battle grounds, I'd be interested in trying it out.

    I leveled as Fire and used it for 5 mans until right before 4.1 came out. I hadn't touched Arcane at all before then, and decided to try it out with the buffs to the spec and find I quite enjoy it. I'm addicted to six figure crits. I can perform pretty competitively with some of Fail Train's mains in the handful of raids I've done so far as Arcane, including fights with AoE phases. I've seen 4/4 BoT and 5/6 BWD regular modes as Arcane. I'd consider a Fire off spec if 4.2 turns out to have fights that heavily favor it, but so far for this content patch I can work around the mobility and AoE limitations of the spec to produce good results in regular modes. I'm interested in trying hard modes with this toon, and wouldn't hesitate to switch to Fire if I find Arcane just doesn't cut it on certain fights.

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    Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN Empty Re: Salo - Arcane Mage/Resto Shaman - WITHDRAWN

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