Talent Spec:
Resto 0/13/58
Your age:
Your weekly raid availability (We raid Fri/Sat 6-10pm server + Sun 4-8 server):
Available all times
What add-ons do you use (Check our Information for Raiders page to see our required mods)?
DBM, Healbot and all of the typical raid mods.
Do you have access to Vent?
What sort of tools (calculators, builders, spreadsheets, etc.) do you use to plan your characters (if any)?
I spent a lot of time on sites like ElitestJerks and talk to friends in game about different options and such. The odd time I will use RAWR to see if their are a few things I can change.
Provide the armory link to the character you are applying with:
List any ICC 25 achievements you have:
I was using my wifes PC while mine was waiting for parts so I wasn't able to do 25s all that well. I've yet to do any on this character but my paladin is 4/12 on 25ICC>
Please include a screenshot of your UI:
Ony's UI
What are your best in slot items for each slot from ICC 10 normal mode (Give us your gear wishlist)?
Choker of Filthy Diamonds - Rotface - Neck
Heartsick Mender's Cape - Prince Valanar - Back
Coldwraith Bracers - Lord Marrowgar - Wrist
Ice-Reinforced Vrykul Helm - Gunship Armory - Head *
Shuffling Shoes - Rotface - Feet
Chestguard of Siphoned Elements - Blood-Queen Lana'thel - Chest *
Deathspeaker Disciple's Belt - Lady Deathwhisper - Belt *
Lockjaw - Rotface - Main Hands *
Signet of Putrefaction - Festergut - Ring
Lost Pavise of the Blue Flight - Sindragosa - Shield
Sliver of Pure Ice - Lord Marrowgar - Trinker
Anything not listed is only obtainable though frost badge or 25.
* denotes already obtained or 264
What previous raid experience do you have?
I've been raiding on and off since BC, really really achieved any of the end game stuff until WoTK.
What guilds have you been a member of?
I started playing with the launch of BC and the opening of Velen on many different characters. From bottom guilds to top ones such as Carebear Club, PreEminence, Senseless Violence, Paradox and so on.
Why did you leave your previous and current guilds?
Uhh anything from guilds just falling apart to people causing drama and disputes. I'm just looking to play the game and have fun not deal with petty things.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
As noted before I've got a few different 80s and I've had the chance to raid and run with a few members of your guild. I'm good friends with one of your new recruits Broxas and he speaks highly of the guild. It seems to be heading in a good direction, it's been around for a long time. I've not herd of any drama or any such petty stuff about the guild or from anyone in the guild. Best of all you are 10man focused which is great to me. I don't mind doing 25s but I do prefer the fun and challenge of 10.
Tell us about yourself, to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks):
I'm not sure what their is to say, I love to raid and have a good time. I'm open minded and take well to constructive criticism. I know how to listen and follow instructions. Always around and willing to help out, don't mind doing some dirty work to benefit the guild such as farming mats and so on. Punctual, like to be on time and ready to go seeing as I am 3h ahead of server time. I am for the most part polite but have the mouth of a trucker at times.
I hope this covers everything and I would like to thank you for taking the time to review my application.
Onyinyechi aka Ony
EDIT: Sorry about the size of the UI photo, I can't seem to get photobucket to do it the right size.
EDIT**: I wasn't sure where to add this but I do have 8 different level 80s. Most of which are geared and ready to go. If you would rather me fill out an app for any one of them I would be more than happy to. Also if you would rather me roll a different spec I would be more than willing to switch and get that spec geared ASAP.