Your age:20
Armory Link of Main:
Armory Links of Notable Alts:Not applicable
World of Logs/WMO Parses:
This was my last week that my previous guild went 25m hSoO.
Screenshot of your UI:
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST):
Sun-Thurs 8-12 PM
What add-ons do you rely on most?
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
Primarily the Icy Veins warlock forums as the community there is very knowledgeable about the class and is willing to tear apart ones logs, but I also lurk on mmochampion warlock forums as, surprisingly, lots of top-end warlocks post there.
To make sure I am putting the ideas into practice I analyze my play through warcraftlogs.
What previous raid experience do you have?
T4 and ZA in BC
8/13 in Ulduar 25 and Naxx 25
6/12 ICC 25
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
2.X-3.0 Breath of the Dying-Vashj- I was essentially a casual in this raiding guild as I was new to the game, but I did see some of the T4 bosses along with the 10 man content. I left because when I wanted to start raiding they already had several veteran resto druids (my main at the time) so it was impossible for me to pick up a raid spot.
3.1 Suicidal-Vashj- I believe we cleared to Hodir within a couple of months of releasing but this was the time of high school where I had parents who made the rules that didn't want me committing to a raid schedule. This will not be a problem in the future though as I am two years into education that gets me out of the house.
5.4 InReverie-Zul'jin- I basically left my fall semester finals with someone asking me to join their raid team as they needed a good warlock. I continued with this guild for three months, but heroic progression was not being pursued so I looked elsewhere.
5.4 Realm of Insanity-Zul'jin- This was my first heroic raiding guild and I quickly noticed I wanted to play with people that were more interested in downing bosses than this guild, as the majority of the guild were in the end-of-expansion mindset and only showed up for farm nights. I still wanted to continue progression so I decided to call it quits.
5.4 An She-Zul'jin- Unfortunately the guild leader of six years left the week I began trialing and it all went downhill from there. We changed from 25m to 10m and lost the majority of the driven players, and my leaving was after the remainder of officers were looking for a new place to go. I would have loved to stay in this guild longer if it didn't break up at my feet, but things happen. Officers are willing to vouch for me if that would be of interest.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
What I have gathered from my interview with Cobane and some others is that the guild has a good community while putting a priority on progression, and that is the sort of thing I am looking for in a guild for the long haul. I was also impressed by how raids were managed from the warlock PoV I watched a bit of earlier tonight.
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
Cobane found my post in Guild Recruitment and added me on bnet to give me more info.
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
Yes, and I would say I am competitive against both myself and others. One practice I have is to analyze my own logs after a night of raiding and find things I can improve on and strive to do that the next time I see a given boss, and this is a process that never stops. Competing with others helps verify that I am actually performing to the best I can, so I would say that my way of competing with both parties goes together nicely.
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks):
Outside of WoW I spend the majority of my time sleeping or studying, to be honest. If I decide to get out of the groove and do something else with my time I usually play table tennis or bass guitar.
Personality-wise, people usually consider me to be someone who jokes around in a social setting but when things are competitive it gets real. I try to excel at anything I put a major amount of time into while still retaining sanity.
I've been playing WoW on and off since BC but only recently started challenging myself at the heroic raiding level due to other hobbies taking up the majority of my time in the past. This is unfortunate because apparently my class of choice was the flavor of this expansion.
Bonus question >>Do you attend couple's cross-stitching?<<
I could be convinced with the proper amount of goods or services.
Armory Link of Main:
Armory Links of Notable Alts:Not applicable
World of Logs/WMO Parses:
This was my last week that my previous guild went 25m hSoO.
Screenshot of your UI:
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST):
Sun-Thurs 8-12 PM
What add-ons do you rely on most?
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
Primarily the Icy Veins warlock forums as the community there is very knowledgeable about the class and is willing to tear apart ones logs, but I also lurk on mmochampion warlock forums as, surprisingly, lots of top-end warlocks post there.
To make sure I am putting the ideas into practice I analyze my play through warcraftlogs.
What previous raid experience do you have?
T4 and ZA in BC
8/13 in Ulduar 25 and Naxx 25
6/12 ICC 25
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
2.X-3.0 Breath of the Dying-Vashj- I was essentially a casual in this raiding guild as I was new to the game, but I did see some of the T4 bosses along with the 10 man content. I left because when I wanted to start raiding they already had several veteran resto druids (my main at the time) so it was impossible for me to pick up a raid spot.
3.1 Suicidal-Vashj- I believe we cleared to Hodir within a couple of months of releasing but this was the time of high school where I had parents who made the rules that didn't want me committing to a raid schedule. This will not be a problem in the future though as I am two years into education that gets me out of the house.
5.4 InReverie-Zul'jin- I basically left my fall semester finals with someone asking me to join their raid team as they needed a good warlock. I continued with this guild for three months, but heroic progression was not being pursued so I looked elsewhere.
5.4 Realm of Insanity-Zul'jin- This was my first heroic raiding guild and I quickly noticed I wanted to play with people that were more interested in downing bosses than this guild, as the majority of the guild were in the end-of-expansion mindset and only showed up for farm nights. I still wanted to continue progression so I decided to call it quits.
5.4 An She-Zul'jin- Unfortunately the guild leader of six years left the week I began trialing and it all went downhill from there. We changed from 25m to 10m and lost the majority of the driven players, and my leaving was after the remainder of officers were looking for a new place to go. I would have loved to stay in this guild longer if it didn't break up at my feet, but things happen. Officers are willing to vouch for me if that would be of interest.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
What I have gathered from my interview with Cobane and some others is that the guild has a good community while putting a priority on progression, and that is the sort of thing I am looking for in a guild for the long haul. I was also impressed by how raids were managed from the warlock PoV I watched a bit of earlier tonight.
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
Cobane found my post in Guild Recruitment and added me on bnet to give me more info.
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
Yes, and I would say I am competitive against both myself and others. One practice I have is to analyze my own logs after a night of raiding and find things I can improve on and strive to do that the next time I see a given boss, and this is a process that never stops. Competing with others helps verify that I am actually performing to the best I can, so I would say that my way of competing with both parties goes together nicely.
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks):
Outside of WoW I spend the majority of my time sleeping or studying, to be honest. If I decide to get out of the groove and do something else with my time I usually play table tennis or bass guitar.
Personality-wise, people usually consider me to be someone who jokes around in a social setting but when things are competitive it gets real. I try to excel at anything I put a major amount of time into while still retaining sanity.
I've been playing WoW on and off since BC but only recently started challenging myself at the heroic raiding level due to other hobbies taking up the majority of my time in the past. This is unfortunate because apparently my class of choice was the flavor of this expansion.
Bonus question >>Do you attend couple's cross-stitching?<<
I could be convinced with the proper amount of goods or services.