Your age: 21
BattleTag: Skrillex#1912
Armory Link of Main:
Armory Links of Notable Alts:
World of Logs/WMO Parses:
Screenshot of your UI:
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST):
As of now, weekdays until WoD comes up, then my work schedule will actually fluctuate.
What add-ons do you rely on most?
ExtraCD, Clique, WeakAura's (When I Must), Tell Me When.
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
Myself, Other top end RShamans in EU guilds, etc. Totemspot.
What previous raid experience do you have?
11/13H ToT
16/16H HoF, MSV, ToES
8/8H DS
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
Just left Natural Order of Argent Dawn due to the raid leader in which I was way more experienced than and completely outplayed mechanically and numerically wasn't open to criticism nor suggestions come heroic content I have already cleared. Said elitests arent welcome in his guild, therefore without warning towards the end of the H Thok kill removed me, and gkicked me after providing him his tips come kill attempt.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
I am looking for a guild progression oriented. I seem to have get myself into guilds that are "progression" oriented and focused, but spend more time socializing on forums, playing the game for side games, questing, pet battles, and didnt really log crunch like I do, nor put the same effort into actual raiding. Long story short I raid to progress and down bosses. Socializing is fun and all, but Facebook was made for socializing and uploading pictures, not mumble on a 2 day a week raid schedule.
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
Battletag Invite Through WoWprogress.
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
I keep HPS log spreadsheets fight after fight to determine whether or not builds in which I am playing with are working. I also have a WoL spreadsheet for rankings among other RShamans in 10/25 man to see how I am fairing with other healers of my ilvl, etc. As far as other, my motivation is in the end to always down the boss dont get me wrong, but I am out to be the best, so showing up another healer in a fun sort of way, without being a cocky slob is always fun.
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks):
I am a 21 year old computer technician, as well as chef for Landrys Corp. I plan on being an executive chef at one point in time and do go to school for it. Cooking is my life. I just recently got engaged to the love of my life, and she is okay with my hobby therefore it doesnt interfere with my raid schedule. I tend to be one of the funniest raiders among surveys and polls so I am very easy to like. With the name Skrillexxqt, as gay as of a name it is, I love trance and EDM music which allows me to play better in my opinion. Born and raised in Philly, I live in Houston TX where its hot as shit and country women drive men crazy here, literally, dont ever move here. They are as fertile as mexicans. Oh btw, Im also mexican.
Bonus question >>Do you attend couple's cross-stitching?<<
Here in Texas, a couple cross stitching is wives just so happening to stitch up each others husbands wounds after beating him with his shoe for having a drink at the bar after work and socializing with a person of the female race. (from experience) So yes, I do frequently. And its nothing great.
BattleTag: Skrillex#1912
Armory Link of Main:
Armory Links of Notable Alts:
World of Logs/WMO Parses:
Screenshot of your UI:
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST):
As of now, weekdays until WoD comes up, then my work schedule will actually fluctuate.
What add-ons do you rely on most?
ExtraCD, Clique, WeakAura's (When I Must), Tell Me When.
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
Myself, Other top end RShamans in EU guilds, etc. Totemspot.
What previous raid experience do you have?
11/13H ToT
16/16H HoF, MSV, ToES
8/8H DS
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
Just left Natural Order of Argent Dawn due to the raid leader in which I was way more experienced than and completely outplayed mechanically and numerically wasn't open to criticism nor suggestions come heroic content I have already cleared. Said elitests arent welcome in his guild, therefore without warning towards the end of the H Thok kill removed me, and gkicked me after providing him his tips come kill attempt.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
I am looking for a guild progression oriented. I seem to have get myself into guilds that are "progression" oriented and focused, but spend more time socializing on forums, playing the game for side games, questing, pet battles, and didnt really log crunch like I do, nor put the same effort into actual raiding. Long story short I raid to progress and down bosses. Socializing is fun and all, but Facebook was made for socializing and uploading pictures, not mumble on a 2 day a week raid schedule.
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
Battletag Invite Through WoWprogress.
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
I keep HPS log spreadsheets fight after fight to determine whether or not builds in which I am playing with are working. I also have a WoL spreadsheet for rankings among other RShamans in 10/25 man to see how I am fairing with other healers of my ilvl, etc. As far as other, my motivation is in the end to always down the boss dont get me wrong, but I am out to be the best, so showing up another healer in a fun sort of way, without being a cocky slob is always fun.
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks):
I am a 21 year old computer technician, as well as chef for Landrys Corp. I plan on being an executive chef at one point in time and do go to school for it. Cooking is my life. I just recently got engaged to the love of my life, and she is okay with my hobby therefore it doesnt interfere with my raid schedule. I tend to be one of the funniest raiders among surveys and polls so I am very easy to like. With the name Skrillexxqt, as gay as of a name it is, I love trance and EDM music which allows me to play better in my opinion. Born and raised in Philly, I live in Houston TX where its hot as shit and country women drive men crazy here, literally, dont ever move here. They are as fertile as mexicans. Oh btw, Im also mexican.
Bonus question >>Do you attend couple's cross-stitching?<<
Here in Texas, a couple cross stitching is wives just so happening to stitch up each others husbands wounds after beating him with his shoe for having a drink at the bar after work and socializing with a person of the female race. (from experience) So yes, I do frequently. And its nothing great.