by Cobane Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:50 am
So since none of my melee officers have gotten around to this app yet, I went through your logs. There are several problems I notice.
-Your SS is, indeed, poop on a stick.
-It doesn't track blood shields.
-Usage of Soul Reaper is poop.
-You don't seem to believe in using strength potions.
-You have Death Coil glyphed, but don't have any healing done with the spell in your logs.
-You have Death Coil glyphed instead of using the 2nd AMS glyph.
-Blacksmithing isn't fully leveled.
-Mining is one of your professions.
-You are going full parry and paying no attention to crit rating.
-Dodge and stamina have been gemmed.
-Your ring is not gemmed.
-You are enchanting for dodge instead of crit.
-Your heroic raiding experience this tier is limited to the lower half of SoO and would increase the difficulty of our efforts to solidify our 25 man progression. You would be the 2nd tank we've taken on for upper tier fights with no experience on them.
I'm not seeing a thoughtful raider being expressed in the practice of your deathly honorific duties. Therefore, with great regret, we are not inclined to take you on for a trial at this time. Best of luck in your search!