Hi, I know I don’t have the best gear or the craziest experience, but I only ask few minutes to hear me out on this application. I learn/adapt quickly, extremely dedicated to raiding and loyal to the guilds who are willing to invest in me. Thank you for your time and consideration in advance.
OG name: Msitakez
Warlock, currently playing demo/destruction. But I can play all three specs comfortably.
No Alts.
I’m Asian, 19, and a research assistant in a lab and currently a college student. I have not yet decided whether I will be attending Emory or Yale University yet this fall. I will be majoring in Neuroscience/Premed. I love WoWing, working out, motor racing, being a foodie, hiking and chilling with my Gf of 2 years. I’m extremely hard working and persistent person that possesses a work hard and play hard attitude.
I can match all raiding times.
2012 Mac Book Air
Processor 1.8 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Intel HD Graphics 4000 384 MB
Particle density: Ultra
No trouble handling in 25 man
I can play demo extremely well with muti dotting and can apply doom very quickly when UVOLS procs. I follow the burst from Sparkuggtz on youtube.
I play destruction and affection equally well for single target fights. As of now I choose destruction over affliction because of the mastery play style needed for demo.
Raid Experience/Previous Guilds:
I use to raid with a frost mage in vanilla/BC in Taiwan’s Asia server on Horde – Warsong. I cleared first 5 bosses of 40 man naxx and full cleared SSC, TK, BT, Zulman and SW while it was in content and before the Miru nerf. Then I stopped due to it becoming dry for me.
Then in 2012 of last year I came back for MOP. This time I decided to join a US raiding server and started out in Horde- Greymane. I was with Equinox for about 6 months and we only cleared normal MSV parts of HOF and TOES. I joined the guild by them picking me up as a pug for one night and due to my exceptional performance and ability to adapt quickly they picked me up. The guild disbanded after 5 months I joined, with the frustration of being on a low population server and inconsistence attendance with its members.
With the disban I had nowhere to go and I deicide to get on the most heavily populated server I could find with raiding always at its prime. So at an ilvl of 499 and the beginning of ToT I transferred to Horde - Illidian. I messaged a bunch of GM’s from WoW progression guide for a guild and help and few responded. Most notably, the guild Encore helped me in terms of teaching me more on my class and how to navigate in this realm, their top warlock Kakarot has always supported me since then (I did not apply to their guild as they are full on locks and I couldn’t make their raid times). Although I joined Carnage and Absolut they never gave me a chance to raid so I pugged for a long time and cleared HMSV then some HHOF and 8/12 ToT. By then I was about ilvl 520 from pugging and I eventually left the guilds since I had no purpose. I met the guild Twisted by Design through a pugging and they picked me up as they believed I had the DPS they needed. At that time they were 11/12 ToT. I was with them for 2-3 months we cleared 12/12 ToT eventually and got 2/13 H ToT (have attempts on H iron/horridon/tortes). Progression slowed due to people not coming on for no reason or leaving the guild as they “had no time to wipe on heroics”. Being a tight 10 man roaster with a loss of one member = we could not progress for the longest time. With the continuous problem from last week we decided to disban. As of now im 7/13 H TOT and I’m just chilling in Disciprine as a backup raider if they have no shows etc. Therefore im constantly always the ‘second rated’ person as I would clear trash and do a few attempts and then a person that has a higher guild title would come in and take my spot due to seniority. My logs are spare because my guild before never logged until I had few raids with Discirpine. The dates available are only in July: 7,8,9,14,15,16,21. From analyzing my data so far my dot uptime is the biggest issue for corruption as doom is always on. I am watching it as best as I can now. Also plead to also look at my attempts as im very serious in every attempt on a boss. To make a decision on my boss kill wouldn’t represent me well as I only have a few and most of the time It was the first time me learning the ropes of the boss and then we downed him but I never got back in for another kill due to lack of seniority rights. Thanks.
Why guild:
I wish to apply to your guild because I’m looking for a guild that provides a positive atmosphere in hard-core raiding. In all the guilds I have been in there has always been a lack of attendance, hard work, persistence and more importantly loyalty. I am a very loyal member (only left guilds that either are disbanning or never gave me a chance to raid) that accepts criticism very well, learns extremely quick, does not make the same mistakes twice and I’m hoping through this guild I can finally meet loyal members that are like me - self motivated, light hearted and can responsibly attend raiding times. The next patch warlocks become extremely OP and I hope by then and during the patch I can successfully execute my class to its best ability as I believe if I can produce the best DPS (given my ilvl and etc) that in itself will help the guild by relieving the stress om tanks and healers by shortening the duration of the battle and crunch times. I as an individual can also contribute to the positive atmosphere by also encouraging members to continue through the hard times of progressions, motivating individuals to always be at their best and congratulating people on a job well done.
OG name: Msitakez
Warlock, currently playing demo/destruction. But I can play all three specs comfortably.
No Alts.
I’m Asian, 19, and a research assistant in a lab and currently a college student. I have not yet decided whether I will be attending Emory or Yale University yet this fall. I will be majoring in Neuroscience/Premed. I love WoWing, working out, motor racing, being a foodie, hiking and chilling with my Gf of 2 years. I’m extremely hard working and persistent person that possesses a work hard and play hard attitude.
I can match all raiding times.
2012 Mac Book Air
Processor 1.8 GHz Intel Core i5
Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Intel HD Graphics 4000 384 MB
Particle density: Ultra
No trouble handling in 25 man
I can play demo extremely well with muti dotting and can apply doom very quickly when UVOLS procs. I follow the burst from Sparkuggtz on youtube.
I play destruction and affection equally well for single target fights. As of now I choose destruction over affliction because of the mastery play style needed for demo.
Raid Experience/Previous Guilds:
I use to raid with a frost mage in vanilla/BC in Taiwan’s Asia server on Horde – Warsong. I cleared first 5 bosses of 40 man naxx and full cleared SSC, TK, BT, Zulman and SW while it was in content and before the Miru nerf. Then I stopped due to it becoming dry for me.
Then in 2012 of last year I came back for MOP. This time I decided to join a US raiding server and started out in Horde- Greymane. I was with Equinox for about 6 months and we only cleared normal MSV parts of HOF and TOES. I joined the guild by them picking me up as a pug for one night and due to my exceptional performance and ability to adapt quickly they picked me up. The guild disbanded after 5 months I joined, with the frustration of being on a low population server and inconsistence attendance with its members.
With the disban I had nowhere to go and I deicide to get on the most heavily populated server I could find with raiding always at its prime. So at an ilvl of 499 and the beginning of ToT I transferred to Horde - Illidian. I messaged a bunch of GM’s from WoW progression guide for a guild and help and few responded. Most notably, the guild Encore helped me in terms of teaching me more on my class and how to navigate in this realm, their top warlock Kakarot has always supported me since then (I did not apply to their guild as they are full on locks and I couldn’t make their raid times). Although I joined Carnage and Absolut they never gave me a chance to raid so I pugged for a long time and cleared HMSV then some HHOF and 8/12 ToT. By then I was about ilvl 520 from pugging and I eventually left the guilds since I had no purpose. I met the guild Twisted by Design through a pugging and they picked me up as they believed I had the DPS they needed. At that time they were 11/12 ToT. I was with them for 2-3 months we cleared 12/12 ToT eventually and got 2/13 H ToT (have attempts on H iron/horridon/tortes). Progression slowed due to people not coming on for no reason or leaving the guild as they “had no time to wipe on heroics”. Being a tight 10 man roaster with a loss of one member = we could not progress for the longest time. With the continuous problem from last week we decided to disban. As of now im 7/13 H TOT and I’m just chilling in Disciprine as a backup raider if they have no shows etc. Therefore im constantly always the ‘second rated’ person as I would clear trash and do a few attempts and then a person that has a higher guild title would come in and take my spot due to seniority. My logs are spare because my guild before never logged until I had few raids with Discirpine. The dates available are only in July: 7,8,9,14,15,16,21. From analyzing my data so far my dot uptime is the biggest issue for corruption as doom is always on. I am watching it as best as I can now. Also plead to also look at my attempts as im very serious in every attempt on a boss. To make a decision on my boss kill wouldn’t represent me well as I only have a few and most of the time It was the first time me learning the ropes of the boss and then we downed him but I never got back in for another kill due to lack of seniority rights. Thanks.
Why guild:
I wish to apply to your guild because I’m looking for a guild that provides a positive atmosphere in hard-core raiding. In all the guilds I have been in there has always been a lack of attendance, hard work, persistence and more importantly loyalty. I am a very loyal member (only left guilds that either are disbanning or never gave me a chance to raid) that accepts criticism very well, learns extremely quick, does not make the same mistakes twice and I’m hoping through this guild I can finally meet loyal members that are like me - self motivated, light hearted and can responsibly attend raiding times. The next patch warlocks become extremely OP and I hope by then and during the patch I can successfully execute my class to its best ability as I believe if I can produce the best DPS (given my ilvl and etc) that in itself will help the guild by relieving the stress om tanks and healers by shortening the duration of the battle and crunch times. I as an individual can also contribute to the positive atmosphere by also encouraging members to continue through the hard times of progressions, motivating individuals to always be at their best and congratulating people on a job well done.