Your age: 19
BattleTag: Theotokoz#1404
Armory Link of Main: (I haven't optimized since the patch so I probs should be dropping a gem or 2 but with so many pieces of spirit gear naturally I will end up a bit over hit cap)
Armory Links of Notable Alts: - not really notable
World of Logs/WMO Parses: - did these back a while ago when RT stopped raiding, should still be reasonably accurate to my performance.'jaeden/fotoaparate/ Also Epeenbot
I haven't been logging in ages and most of the time on farm Real Talk just fucks around and lots of our strats are appalling for decent numbers. I also do lots of extra roles within raids like shooting Galakras and being in those groups
Screenshot of your UI:
Just a quick note on my binds, 7890-= all bind to my mouse, random binds on the far right bind to my G1-6 keys
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST): Mon-Thurs
What add-ons do you rely on most? Debuff filter, Balance power tracker, Weak auras, dbm, skada
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
Well when the new expansion hits it'll change but MMO champ, wow official forums, lots of druid specific websites sunfyres nest, Slippykins on MMO, totemspot for haste breakpoints etc. I haven't needed to do much in many months apart from a bit when we start progression to learn little tricks on each fight. Elitest Jerks
What previous raid experience do you have?
Started raiding in Wotlk, did loads of content through pugs etc, had maybe 6 heroic LK bosses down, cleared lots of uld, toc tribute to mad skill, undying.
Cata cleared all content, worked in Openraid with Cobane for ICHY achieve, found and led my own FL group for legendary/rag kills, server first glory of the cata raider.
MoP: All content cleared before next content patch, except Garrosh and Raden HM achieve
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
M A C A B R E - was in for all of cata, cleared all normal and some heroic bosses, bit too casual for my liking so moved on.
Lotion: Was in for start of T14, after vying for server first and being out done by a few days guild struggled and due to RL stuff I had to change raiding hours (went from raiding with Aussies to Americans) and these guys then merged with Avast.
Siege: Again had big roster issues, I posted out for 2 days of raid and got replaced by another boomy, guild fell apart few weeks later.
Brief stint in Defenestrate at the end of ToT but those guys were cunts basically.
Warfare: again good guild when I joined then went through its own rebuilding phase through ToT and couldn't fill a raid for weeks before I left.
And finally Real Talk: joined at Animus, cleared rest of ToT and all Siege apart from Garrosh. Guild Leader left after Thok and each boss after that (Thok, Siege, Paragons and now Garrosh) we've fielded a new team. Guild finally called it until WoD last month because we had 3 people all jump ship one morning.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
Coz Cobanes here, Hakushi seems to like it. Hours aren't terrible and you guys are at where I am with progression. Been doing this shit for way too long would love to be in a guild which is smashing through content but I don't mind a few more weeks of progression.
Honestly I'm a little burnt out on wow and don't play much atm outside of raids but having a few weeks off has been good and I'm back to it now
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
Friend and Old Friend
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
Everyone, I'm a runner and a competitor, I always strive to be the best and better myself. I may come across and apathetic but really I am my harshest critic and crazy about achieving goals .
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks): I play wow.
Okay well I'm a personal trainer, so I work in a gym raising heavy shit from a low level to a higher one (lifting.) With that it does involve me running probably the most relaxed business you've ever seen. Outside of that I run, like proper left right with a stride running) and exercise a fuck tonne and I love it, its fantastic. I enjoy a good joke and some heavy banter, I like to muck around and have fun, but as I said I'm fucking competitive. I don't know what else you want me to tell ya, unless you guys are a bunch of elitist ass holes, I'll probably definitely fit in
Bonus question >>Do you attend couple's cross-stitching?<<
Sure, that sounds like sex
Here's a cat:
Now let me in
BattleTag: Theotokoz#1404
Armory Link of Main: (I haven't optimized since the patch so I probs should be dropping a gem or 2 but with so many pieces of spirit gear naturally I will end up a bit over hit cap)
Armory Links of Notable Alts: - not really notable
World of Logs/WMO Parses: - did these back a while ago when RT stopped raiding, should still be reasonably accurate to my performance.'jaeden/fotoaparate/ Also Epeenbot
I haven't been logging in ages and most of the time on farm Real Talk just fucks around and lots of our strats are appalling for decent numbers. I also do lots of extra roles within raids like shooting Galakras and being in those groups
Screenshot of your UI:
Just a quick note on my binds, 7890-= all bind to my mouse, random binds on the far right bind to my G1-6 keys
List the days you are raid available (Sun-Thurs 8-12pm EST): Mon-Thurs
What add-ons do you rely on most? Debuff filter, Balance power tracker, Weak auras, dbm, skada
What resources do you use to keep up to date on how to play your class?
Well when the new expansion hits it'll change but MMO champ, wow official forums, lots of druid specific websites sunfyres nest, Slippykins on MMO, totemspot for haste breakpoints etc. I haven't needed to do much in many months apart from a bit when we start progression to learn little tricks on each fight. Elitest Jerks
What previous raid experience do you have?
Started raiding in Wotlk, did loads of content through pugs etc, had maybe 6 heroic LK bosses down, cleared lots of uld, toc tribute to mad skill, undying.
Cata cleared all content, worked in Openraid with Cobane for ICHY achieve, found and led my own FL group for legendary/rag kills, server first glory of the cata raider.
MoP: All content cleared before next content patch, except Garrosh and Raden HM achieve
What guilds have you been a member of and why are you leaving?
M A C A B R E - was in for all of cata, cleared all normal and some heroic bosses, bit too casual for my liking so moved on.
Lotion: Was in for start of T14, after vying for server first and being out done by a few days guild struggled and due to RL stuff I had to change raiding hours (went from raiding with Aussies to Americans) and these guys then merged with Avast.
Siege: Again had big roster issues, I posted out for 2 days of raid and got replaced by another boomy, guild fell apart few weeks later.
Brief stint in Defenestrate at the end of ToT but those guys were cunts basically.
Warfare: again good guild when I joined then went through its own rebuilding phase through ToT and couldn't fill a raid for weeks before I left.
And finally Real Talk: joined at Animus, cleared rest of ToT and all Siege apart from Garrosh. Guild Leader left after Thok and each boss after that (Thok, Siege, Paragons and now Garrosh) we've fielded a new team. Guild finally called it until WoD last month because we had 3 people all jump ship one morning.
Why do you want to join Shade of Arrows (Be thorough with your answer)?
Coz Cobanes here, Hakushi seems to like it. Hours aren't terrible and you guys are at where I am with progression. Been doing this shit for way too long would love to be in a guild which is smashing through content but I don't mind a few more weeks of progression.
Honestly I'm a little burnt out on wow and don't play much atm outside of raids but having a few weeks off has been good and I'm back to it now
How did you find us (Friend,Forum,Trade Chat,Officer, etc.)(specify)?
Friend and Old Friend
Are you competitive by nature? If so, who do you compete against (Yourself or others? Specifiy other)?
Everyone, I'm a runner and a competitor, I always strive to be the best and better myself. I may come across and apathetic but really I am my harshest critic and crazy about achieving goals .
Tell us about yourself to help us determine if you would be a good fit here (The more you put here, the better it looks): I play wow.
Okay well I'm a personal trainer, so I work in a gym raising heavy shit from a low level to a higher one (lifting.) With that it does involve me running probably the most relaxed business you've ever seen. Outside of that I run, like proper left right with a stride running) and exercise a fuck tonne and I love it, its fantastic. I enjoy a good joke and some heavy banter, I like to muck around and have fun, but as I said I'm fucking competitive. I don't know what else you want me to tell ya, unless you guys are a bunch of elitist ass holes, I'll probably definitely fit in
Bonus question >>Do you attend couple's cross-stitching?<<
Sure, that sounds like sex
Here's a cat:
Now let me in