So i got a lot of interest from CM's this week. I was looking at starting to run some for guildies. If you are interested in doing CM's on a character send me an in game mail and/or leave a message here. I am going to create groups as optimized as possible so we can do things as efficiently as we can. Also, let me know if you have any gold experience before! The experience is irrelevant for the most part but it allows me to see who has at least had some practice on which CM's.
Just a couple things of note
1. NO Legendary Meta gems, legendary capes is fine because it has a gem slot, however don't be relying on the procs.
2. You will need fully Enchanted and Reforged Gear, you may need to actually gem and reforge for some mitigation on tanks. For this reason I would suggest maybe an alternate set of challenge mode gear.
3.Consumables will be 1. Flask, 2. Food 3. DPS Pots.
Edit: Wow I forgot the invis pots (18 seconds pref) and the Restorative Ambers from Klaxxi vendora (this is more a healer only item)
4. Check in the proving grounds if you are hit capped. this is huge, I started doing CM's and didn't realize I was 1%% under cap (lol).
Other than that, remember I am only 1x 9/9 Experience, so I may(will) make mistakes too!. If we want full guild groups than maybe we can get some Banquets from the bank! (hint hint). I have a couple friends that can help as well.
Last edited by Babzy on Mon Feb 17, 2014 4:07 am; edited 2 times in total